this is my first microfiction with my own tweet that is bolded.

"finally free"
all around her things bloom nonstop

from her pretty long, blonde hair

down to her long, silk, red dress

that dances so gracefully as she runs

she’s running through a field of poppies

the colors start to blend 

from orange, to yellow, to pink, to red

the earth seems so still, so quiet as she runs

she wants to be free, she wants to feel at home

the sun is settling, the day is ending

could this be the only way to be free?

she stops at the edge and looks down at the heavenly valley

the feeling of serenity, the excitement of happiness

she closes her eyes and feels the warm sun

she turns around and looks back to reality 

to the bitter life she has to pretend

she can’t do it anymore...

with a deep breath

no regrets

she leaps to her unfailing faith

this is my second microfiction with a line from Andazula that is bolded.

"facing inner demons"
I will no longer be made to feel ashamed for existing

this is my life and i deserve to be here

i am no longer afraid to stand up for that i believe in

and how i feel

i am no longer available for your abuse

i will no longer listen to you speak bad to me

and tell me what a waste of worth i am

i will no longer listen to your negative outlooks 

i will no longer dread each day

instead i will treasure each moment i wake up from my slumber

with each deep breath i take, 

i pray to have another one tomorrow

it’s time to face you

it’s time to stand up to you

i looked her directly in the face

she looked back at me with the same stern look

she wasn’t happy

with all my force, i smashed the mirror into a million pieces....

the battle is finally over.