In this blog I will discuss my plans on revising my twitterive.

Since I've decided to completely change my focus on my twitterive, I will need to start fresh. I plan on going step by step and hour by hour of what a dog's typical day at the hotel would look like.
I plan on using different genres to make it so realistic that you will feel you are the dog (Bailey) checking into the hotel. I want to add a short story of Bailey telling you what she is thinking and what is happening. For my repretend I've decided to do and hour by hour to let my readers know what the day looks like as it progresses. I want to tie it up at the end with a thank you letter from Bailey's parents for taking such good care of her while the parents were away on vacation.

I will stay in touch with Abby and together we will decide if my twitterive needs/doesn't need. I will also ask my peers to look it over to make sure my after word questions are answered. I want to make sure I stay on track with the clarity as well.

1. Is my twitterive clear and easy to follow with my repretend?
2. Do I have enough genre?