In The Omnivore’s Dilemna by Michael Pollen, his article talks about the food chains and how everything is connected. He discusses healthy choices such as organic and fast food options. He compares real food with fake fast food. 

I have never seen food inc, but I know that fast food is extremely processed and 100% not real. I’m not sure if I would stop eating fast food all together but I would take it into consideration and make healthier choices. I eat fast food once in a while now, and I have actually lost a lot of weight by not eating it as much as I use to. I also stopped drinking soda. I only have it once in a while as well. This has made a huge impact on my body as well. I love fresh fruits and veggies but sometimes they are pricy and some people do not understand how to properly prepare it, cook it and store it. Many people today are always on the go so fast food is the best option.

The next reading was The Pleasures of Eating by Wendall Berry. This is another article about fast food and how gross it is and the power of false advertisement. People see juicy burgers on a huge billboard, where do you think people are headed next? No cooking, fast and on the go. That is why there is obesity today. Not to mention the dollar menu helps. 

I cannot wait to see food inc to give me that push to take fast food completely out of my diet!