In The Omnivore’s Dilemna by Michael Pollen, his article talks about the food chains and how everything is connected. He discusses healthy choices such as organic and fast food options. He compares real food with fake fast food. 

I have never seen food inc, but I know that fast food is extremely processed and 100% not real. I’m not sure if I would stop eating fast food all together but I would take it into consideration and make healthier choices. I eat fast food once in a while now, and I have actually lost a lot of weight by not eating it as much as I use to. I also stopped drinking soda. I only have it once in a while as well. This has made a huge impact on my body as well. I love fresh fruits and veggies but sometimes they are pricy and some people do not understand how to properly prepare it, cook it and store it. Many people today are always on the go so fast food is the best option.

The next reading was The Pleasures of Eating by Wendall Berry. This is another article about fast food and how gross it is and the power of false advertisement. People see juicy burgers on a huge billboard, where do you think people are headed next? No cooking, fast and on the go. That is why there is obesity today. Not to mention the dollar menu helps. 

I cannot wait to see food inc to give me that push to take fast food completely out of my diet! 

Last week during class a few of my peers presented their feedback. I really enjoyed Krista's twitterive on dating. Her stories, her snapshots of the emails and pictures were hilarious. I didn't realize in the online dating world that some people are so forward! I would really like to see a date preparation. For example, 

Friday night 7 pm. 
Outfit: Red dress. 
How we're meeting: Meeting at the restaurant. 2 separate cars.
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Dinner of Choice: Salad
First Impression: Weirdo - He's wearing suspenders and thick black glasses. DOES NOT look like photo!
Topic of Discussion: He keeps talking about his cat.
Plan of Escape: Bathroom window.

I think the scenarios with as much detail as possible and photos to provide would be entertaining. 
Very intrigued to see what Krista comes up with.

I really thought Erin's twitterive was moving. This was a hard topic for her to discuss but what I love is that she was not afraid to express to her peers how this was making her feel. That heartbreak is very real and sometimes can change who we are. I love what she has going on with the photos, the letter and the very nice choice in white space. My suggestion to you is to incorporate more in depth details about how your relationship started, how it developed, why this person became so special to you and how you wrapped your world around him. Like I said in class, 7 years in a long time. Let's a see a timeline

year 1 - the honey moon stage. we did this and this.. etc..
year 2 - our first time going on vacation ... (whatever happened)
year 7 - the year my world started to collapse

Add more pics! We want to see everything you have!
then add your stuff with the letter and the poem and how you are feeling. We see a lot of emotions but we don't see yet why it's affecting you so badly. Can't wait to see how you put your 7 years into words and pictures. 

In this blog I will discuss my plans on revising my twitterive.

Since I've decided to completely change my focus on my twitterive, I will need to start fresh. I plan on going step by step and hour by hour of what a dog's typical day at the hotel would look like.
I plan on using different genres to make it so realistic that you will feel you are the dog (Bailey) checking into the hotel. I want to add a short story of Bailey telling you what she is thinking and what is happening. For my repretend I've decided to do and hour by hour to let my readers know what the day looks like as it progresses. I want to tie it up at the end with a thank you letter from Bailey's parents for taking such good care of her while the parents were away on vacation.

I will stay in touch with Abby and together we will decide if my twitterive needs/doesn't need. I will also ask my peers to look it over to make sure my after word questions are answered. I want to make sure I stay on track with the clarity as well.

1. Is my twitterive clear and easy to follow with my repretend?
2. Do I have enough genre?
This blog post is about the components of my twitterive. I've decided to redirect my focus on my story.  In this post I will answer the questions to help me design my new twitterive.

1)      WHO are the characters in your  story?

The main character in my story will be Bailey. She is a yellow lab. This story is Bailey's POV.

2)      WHAT is your story? WHAT  genres/modes are you using for your story?

A dog's prespective of a stay at the petshotel. What happens in the life of a dog while boarding at the hotel.
I want to use pictures, a video of a dog's view in the hotel, a poem, and a postcard writing to their parents about their experience.

3)      WHEN does your story take place?

Present Day

4)      WHERE is your place?

Mantua Petshotel

5)      WHY do you feel a  connection/lack of connection to place?

This petshotel is my full time job and my life. I take care of these dogs and spend most of my time with them. I treat these dogs as if they were my own and it's a safe and personal experience.

6)      HOW do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to place?

I want to show my audience how this place is my life and why I love it so much. I also want to show how I have such an amazing job and why I fall in love with these dogs.

my writing process is well still a process. i’ve never been a strong writer. it usually sounds so much better in my head then when i actually write it down. i’ve taken many writing courses but it just does not come as naturally to me as it does to my peers. i do believe since the very beginning of this program my writing has definitely gotten better, but to me it is still a process and I plan to trying to do the best I can on this project. writing on twitter and facebook has helped me put some of my thoughts in writing but my mind is always on go go go and sometimes its hard for me to get what is on my mind in words. 

It was hard for my to figure out how to approach my twitterive, but asking tweeting quotes that I felt related to my life, I decided that Live, Laugh and Love are a theme in my life right now and it is what I am all about. I’ve been living by that for the past few months.. and I’ve been also living by “everything happens for a reason” I would not be where I am today if the things that have happened to me (good and bad) did not happen. I truly believe that. I am definitely a procrastinator and it is a weakness of mine but my life has been non stop with the school work flow and i work full time and this week I started at an elementary school for my junior practicum. I just feel like this is a lot of work in a short amount of time and if writing is a process... but this process feels rushed to me... it just might be because I have a lot on my plate right now... 

This post will be about my Twitterive project. Below I will discuss my tweets that inspired me, where my ideas came from and why I chose this particular topic. 

I recently had an experience in my life that made me realize how beautiful life is, how important is it to keep your love ones close, and how important it is to stay true to yourself. My topic is Live, Laugh and Love.

I am at this stage in my life where I want to find love. I want someone who I can find who I am crazy about and who feels the same way about me. Not only do I want to find true love but I want to stop stressing about the unimportant things in my life and just focus on what makes me happy... friends and family.. There is where laugh will come into play. I thought Live, Laugh and Love is perfect for me. I don’t want to unnecessary drama that some people have brought into my life. I just want to keep my true friends around and I want my someone special. 

Here are some tweets that are not only inspiring about definitely relating to how I really feel... 

Andre'a Emma @dreaemmaxo
 LOVE is when you look into someone's eyes and see everything you need. #twitterive

Andre'a Emma @dreaemmaxo
Don’t fall in love with someone you can live with, fall in love with someone you can’t live without.

Andre'a Emma @dreaemmaxo
 Live like it's your last day, love like your life depends on it, and dream like you'll live forever. #twitterive

I think my specific place will be my heart but when I love I love with my whole heart. I have a few friends who I couldn’t see my life without and my family members mean the world to me and I would do anything with them. I tend to put the people I care about before myself and I think that is what makes me who I am today but of how much love I have for those people. 

My theme will be my life and the situations and realization I experiences just this past year and for my repetend I would like to write a poem of some sort but I have not written it yet....



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i've created this found poem using 10 of my own personal tweets. i'm not sure what i am doing for my twitterive, but i would like to use it in hopes of finding true love someday... i will keep on tweeting :) 

You are my inspiration
              Be patient, live life and have faith.
God has a plan for each of us
              Find someone who loves you just the way you are
Fall in love with someone you can’t live without
              Say the things you are most afraid of saying
 How can you not fall in love?

                              Can’t breathe .....

Not giving up.. some things are meant to be
Everything.          Happens.          For.         A.         Reason. 

this is my first microfiction with my own tweet that is bolded.

"finally free"
all around her things bloom nonstop

from her pretty long, blonde hair

down to her long, silk, red dress

that dances so gracefully as she runs

she’s running through a field of poppies

the colors start to blend 

from orange, to yellow, to pink, to red

the earth seems so still, so quiet as she runs

she wants to be free, she wants to feel at home

the sun is settling, the day is ending

could this be the only way to be free?

she stops at the edge and looks down at the heavenly valley

the feeling of serenity, the excitement of happiness

she closes her eyes and feels the warm sun

she turns around and looks back to reality 

to the bitter life she has to pretend

she can’t do it anymore...

with a deep breath

no regrets

she leaps to her unfailing faith

this is my second microfiction with a line from Andazula that is bolded.

"facing inner demons"
I will no longer be made to feel ashamed for existing

this is my life and i deserve to be here

i am no longer afraid to stand up for that i believe in

and how i feel

i am no longer available for your abuse

i will no longer listen to you speak bad to me

and tell me what a waste of worth i am

i will no longer listen to your negative outlooks 

i will no longer dread each day

instead i will treasure each moment i wake up from my slumber

with each deep breath i take, 

i pray to have another one tomorrow

it’s time to face you

it’s time to stand up to you

i looked her directly in the face

she looked back at me with the same stern look

she wasn’t happy

with all my force, i smashed the mirror into a million pieces....

the battle is finally over.

I had a wonderful superbowl sunday with my family. It was nice to have the four of us spend time together. My brother is never home he is 18 years old and is always on the run. Since he was in the hospital most of this week my parents made him spend time at home with the family. We decided to make our own food and enjoy the game as well as the commercials. I made the appetizer which was buffalo chicken dip. My mother made home made meatballs and sausage, and my brother made dessert, chocolate chip cheesecake. It was so fun to cook, relax and be with the family. Even our dogs, Meeka & Ke'a had brand new bones and they laid on the area rug in front of us. My dad wanted to Patriots to win.. He decided he hated them a little less than the Giants. We are EAGLES fans you know :) He was upset with how the game went. The commercials weren't as funny as they usually are.. but the dog ones were funny! and the M&M one too. It was so comforting being around my family, i remember sitting back .. taking a deep breath and thanking God for what he has given me. My family is my life.. even my doggies! I look forward to times like this in the future!
this past week my brother was rushed to the hospital because he was having horrible pain in his stomach. i found out tuesday night after class. i didn't think much of it. This kid always claims to be in pain.. I love him to death.. don't get my wrong but he can be a little dramatic. He is the "baby" in the family. Around 12pm my mother said they were keeping him for the night because it was in fact a serious thing. I was shocked. My mom asked me to run a few things up to the hospital. It was Underwood Memorial in Woodbury. Last time I was at this place I was in 5th grade. This is my strange place because boy did I see some strange people. As I parked in the emergency ward which is off to the side of the building I noticed a bunch of "hood rats" so to speak hanging out smoking.. at the hospital.. seriously? it's midnight I was scared they were going to mug me and of course all I had was my totally cute coach wristlet. As I walked into the waiting room I noticed a little girl holding a bag of what was her own vomit. A man complaining about his broken leg.. which he was walking on to get doritos out of the vending machine and a heavy set woman who  was probably my age or a little older who was screaming about something. I immediately walked up to the security guard and asked to see my brother. The security guard was nice looking but he told me it was his first night and he wasn't exactly sure where my brother was but led me in a good direction. Can I tell you there are some strange people in the emergency room! My brother was lying on the bed in pain. He had just drank some liquid that made his organs glow. They couldn't figure out what was going on with him. There was a man next door who kept repeating a story over and over and over again and using the same foul language each time he said the story. My mom said she was so tired of hearing this story. There was a woman who we couldn't figure out if it was a man or a woman. The three of us kept making bets and every time she walked by we stared at her and tried to hear a voice.. we never did find out. I think it was a man dressed up as a woman. It was quite an experience. The hospital is a lot different from when I was there all those years ago and maybe it had some crazy people back then but I was too young to notice. It was definitely an experience. After 4 days in the hospital and major surgery (my brother had blockage in his small intestine and his colon was inflamed) They thought he had crohn's disease. We found out today that he does not have it and he j